Program Information
Content Time Place
Chinese Character Challenge 9:40(Saturday ~Sunday) Tower of Imperial Inscriptions
Welcome the Holy Driving 10:00 Tower of Imperial Inscriptions
Prosperous Eight Tones 10:40、11:00、13:30、16:00 Caves of fighters garrison
Bianzhong music and dance 10:30、10:50、14:30、16:20 Qilin Academy
Take a photo with the emperor 11:00(Saturday ~Sunday) Caves of fighters garrison
Zhongzhuang Yangge 11:20、14:20 Caves of fighters garrison
Huai River situation 11:20、13:30 Stop garden, stone memorial archway
a blooming girl 10:00-12:00(Tuesday~Sunday) Miss Courtyard
Guardians patrol the city 10:00-12:00(Tuesday~Sunday) Each courtyard within the scenic area
Yangcheng Drum Book 10:30、11:30、14:30、15:30(Friday~Sunday) Shide Academy
acrobatics 10:30、11:30、14:30、15:30(Friday~Sunday) Heshan Tower
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